Saturday, June 30, 2007

Second Life

Yesterday I decided to have a look at second life - the online game is getting more and more popular...and what can I say? It was amazing!!! It´s amazing what is possible. That let me have a look back - the last week - two days without internet - was hard. On the one hand, yes, I have to run DS but on the other i recognized that internet is my connection to people which are very important to me.
Second Life is for sure a great game (I love the dresses and there are also amazing romantic places) - but it shows once more how easy it is to escape from real life with the internet.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I´m back!

Wow! Two days without my internet connection...that was really bad... I felt so lost. This morning I tried to go to an internet café to check my mails - but it was closed.
But I realized how many things I could do at a day when I cannot sit in front of my site LOL.
I changed the furniture in our flat (the living room is completely different now) and I also cleaned the whole flat - things I couldn´t find time for before (so maybe it was good hihi).
I also made a new kit and a sampler for you! I hope you like my newest kit "Atlantis" for all your summer and swimming photos! If you take the sampler I would be really happy when you leave a comment for me! Thank you!!!

Click on the kit preview to see the full kit, click on the sampler preview to get the sampler and click on the layout to see my layouts in the gallery!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New look!

hello friends,

when you are not the first time on my blog you have for sure seen that i have a new design! My blog visitors are the FIRST ever who see the new design also DS will have in little future - we made over our complete design, created new banners for our users, designers, etc. Here you can see the new style but that won´t be the banner published on DS. I hope you like the new style, we call "Vintage Hollywood". The banners are created by Nayyan, my great businesspartner and sister by heart with her new kits "Isabella" and "Always & Forever" (you can find in the store or click on the pics above)

Would be great if you leave a comment and let me know if you like my new design (and our future style)!

Have a great day friends!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Too much time...

hello girls,
have you ever heard that someone in our hectic time is bored???? never?
me not either - till now. I AM BORED *gggg*
i´ve got vacation but when i was complaining some weeks ago that i don´t find anytime for the blog now i´ve got TONS of time, working so much on the pc that i sometimes just need to leave it *lol*
so this morning i started to move the furniture from one room to the other - my husband was a little shocked. i think he remembered the times when i had lots of time and he slept in another room each night....hihi....
ok i will stop complaining, i guess a lot of people wish they would feel bored a bit ....
i will try to enjoy, relax and scrap :-)

oh, don´t forget to vote on our site for the layout of the month! nina, one of our great designers, was so nice to make that. so have fun and enjoy the day!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

DS News

Hello to all of you!

It seems as if you here in Germany just find rain, rain and summer starts and i can hardly find the sun!
So I guess the best you can do is sitting at the computer and do some scraps ;-) No, I´m just kidding - I´ve also been busy the last days.
I try to set up the DS Exclusive Club and what can I say - we are working on it and you can be sure that we will invite all of you in July.
We are also looking for a great new layout for our site. It´s a hard job - can you imagine? Nayyan and I have been thinking about it for now 3 days! And we have come up with lots of things but not with THAT thing! Our site should become something very very special - a place where you feel at home.
So if you have any ideas - they are really appreciated!!!
Wish you all a great day!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Actions for Photoshop

hello to all of you!!!
here in Germany the weather is bad again - one can´t go outside. So I had to sit in front of my computer and wanted to create some nice things as a freebie - and what did I found out??? Photoshop actions are the best invention ever! LOL

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Good morning friends...

It´s Sunday morning, 7.14 am and don´t ask me why but I´m up, can´t sleep anymore. So I thought I do something useful with my time and start a new kit! But first of all I want to tell you that I´m the featured designer this week on - this is my kit you get for free from Monday till Sunday.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Only for you!

This kit is for all my friends from and - I really enjoy being with you, talking with you and meeting you - even if it´s just on the web.
The kit goes perfect with holiday pics as well as wedding and layouts for your loved ones.
Click on the sample to load the freebie, click on the kit to see it in the store and thanks for looking at my layout :-)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I´m on vacation!

Hello friends,

it is the time of the year I love (because I have lots of freetime and the sun is shining) and I hate because I cannot earn money and also I miss my pupils :-)
Anyway - I decided that I will enjoy my holidays this year!
It will be a great summer with lots of designing and posting freebies :-)
The first one you´ll get today.